n Natural Gift Store - Personalised Photo Frame Mother Of The Bride

Personalised Photo Frame Mother Of The Bride

Our wooden photo frame from a bride to her Mum is personalised especially for you. The relationship between daughter and mother is special and on your wedding day that bond is shared, not broken. With a gorgeous message and your own name and wedding day details, this lovely frame will help you to create special memories that you and your Mum will share forever.

Arrives personalised with a phrase: 'A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend and you are mine' and your name and date. 

The wooden photo frame can be hung on wall or display on table

The frames are eco friendly product and does not include any glass or plastic panel.



At the Address stage of the check out process please type the following in the customer comments field provided:  NAMES AND THE DATE or juts the name..

Alternatively you can email us the details to sales@naturalgiftstore.com





Arrives in a brown craft paper box

 made from:

premium birch plywood


Dimensions: Photo 15x10 cm

Frame L28 X19.5 cm

Price: £23.50